I came across this blog today where this poor girl was being subjected to the horror that is a stress test. The exercise involved, the general trip to the hospital to humiliate yourself in front of others, not to mention a total deprivation of caffeine. All of that alone is cause for some serious "I'm going to eat an entire box of brownies after this is over" thoughts to run through your head!
So Jenn (super cute and total sense of humor) mustered up the courage to refrain from caffeine and grabbed her sister to tag along with her and document this "stress test." But the horror of the day wasn't the exercise or the caffeine withdrawl. It turned out to be the hospital gown, or lack thereof! Granted the "Surprise you have to be topless for the test" declaration from the tech would have freaked me out as well, but how sad and completely discombobulated does this gorgeous girl look in this gown? Could there BE any garment more awkward to wear? (yes, I'm channeling Chandler here)
I have to say that she wears it well! We should all be so lucky and photogenic. However, if she wasn't holding it together how would it possibly stay on? But look at those stylish "cut outs" just under her collar bone, courtesy of the shoulder snaps. Love it!
Jenn, you must look great in anything if you can rock this gown so well. But next time you are going to be subjected to a stress tess can we suggest you pick up a Feel Good Gown instead? We'll even make it tie in the front in a way that actually works!
Head over to Jenn's blog for a smile and a little chuckle, and some more pictures of her working that gown! And how can we not mention that she appears to be a crafty girl as well! We love things handmade, obviously. So check out her Etsy store too :)
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