Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Feel Good Friends!

We all have them, and love them! Those friends that you know you can count on when you need them. The ones who would do anything for you (well almost anything!) The friends that you basically consider to be your family. And it is so wonderful to have these kinds of friends in our lives.

Uncle Jake is one of those friends. Not mine, I don't even know him. But I can tell that he is the kind of person that people feel lucky to know and lucky to call a friend.

I recently came across a link on facebook for "Ride with Clyde" with a picture of cute baby. Being completely unable to resist a sweet little face, I clicked on the link only to find Uncle Jakes efforts to help his good friends during their battle with their young son Bennet's new fight with cancer.

Instead of "just" offering the emotional support which was a given, Uncle Jake stepped it up a notch and designed a series of T-shirts to be sold through to both raise awareness and help raise funds for this family. What a Feel Good thing to do!

So take a moment to ck out Jake's blog, see a cute little baby, and if so inclined buy a "F*ck Cancer I ride with Clyde" Tshirt...or one of the other MANY designs he has created for this cause! Your purchase will help this family and this adorable little boy. We can all use an extra T right???


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